Privacy Policy

All Properties Group Pty Ltd trading as All Properties Group, all it’s Affiliates and Franchises are committed to respecting your right to privacy and protecting your personal information.

We are bound by the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Act) and the Australian Privacy Principles set out in the Act.

We’ll guarantee that our officers, staff, and subcontractors comprehend both our and their obligations under the Act. We’ll provide training and maintain internal policies to prevent mishandling personal information.

This Policy applies to all your dealings with us, whether in person, or via telephone, email, correspondence or our website.


  • Offer a comprehensive overview of the personal information we gather and retain.
  • Clearly outline how and when we handle, collect, store, and share personal data.
  • Communicate the reasons behind the collection, use, and disclosure of personal details.
  • Provide guidance on accessing and rectifying personal information.
  • Inform about the complaint procedure and its resolution.
  • Outline instances where personal information might be disclosed to foreign entities.
  • Increase operational transparency, following definitions assigned by section 6 of the Act within this Policy.


  1. Additional personal details gathered related to an individual’s donation or intended donation of body parts, organs, or bodily substances
  2. Information of a genetic nature that predicts or potentially predicts the health condition of an individual or their genetic relative.
  3. Details or a viewpoint concerning:
    • An individual’s health condition or disability at any time; or
    • An individual’s stated desires regarding future health service provision; or
    • Personal information involving health services rendered or to be rendered to an individual; or
  4. Additional personal data gathered for delivering health services.
  5. Further personal details linked to the donation of body parts.
  6. Genetic data with potential health predictions for the individual or relatives

Information relating to an individual’s genetic makeup that predicts or could foresee their health or a genetic relative’s health. We adhere to the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and its Australian Privacy Principles.


  1. Data pertaining to an individual’s
    • Racial or ethnic origin;
    • Political opinions;
    • Membership affiliations;
    • Religious or philosophical beliefs;
    • Professional or trade group memberships;
    • Trade union association;
    • Sexual orientation or practices;
    • Criminal record;
    • Additional personal data gathered for delivering health services.
  2. Constituting personal information; or
  3. Health information;
  4. Genetic data, excluding health details;
  5. Biometric info for verification or identification purposes;
  6. Biometric templates.


Whenever you engage with All Properties Group, whether as a current or potential seller, buyer, lessor, or lessee, we gather personal details to deliver services. We only collect information necessary for our services or related functions. The information usually includes, but isn’t restricted to:

  • Full name.
  • Date of birth.
  • Home address.
  • Mailing address.
  • Email address.
  • Home phone number.
  • Work phone number.
  • Mobile phone number.
  • Occupation and work address.
  • Financial data (employer, income, bank details).
  • Information about spouse, de facto, dependent children, and housemates.

We generally avoid requesting sensitive information, however, certain situations might inadvertently reveal sensitive details:

  • Specific property requirements (e.g., wheelchair access, indicating health-related info).
  • Disclosing spouse or de facto partner details may inadvertently reveal sensitive information regarding sexual orientation.

We aim to collect your personal information directly from you whenever reasonable or feasible. This occurs during form submissions, in-person interactions, or via phone, email, mail, or our site.

Occasionally, we may gather personal data from third parties or publicly accessible sources, like credit reporting agencies, legal advisors, employers, past lessors, or databases.

If unsolicited personal information is received, we’ll promptly assess its lawfulness. If unsure, we may destroy or de-identify it if reasonable and lawful.

You can opt for anonymity or use a pseudonym where lawful and practical. If required for specific services or business, we might request your identification, especially for official document submissions.


All Properties Group typically uses collected personal information for the following purposes:

  • Aiding in property sales.
  • Facilitating property purchases.
  • Managing property leases (both lessor and lessee roles).
  • Assisting in obtaining loans.
  • Managing bond payments or refunds.
  • Handling tenancy disputes.
  • Coordinating property repairs or maintenance.
  • Recording or accessing data at Titles Registry Office or other governmental bodies.
  • Recording or accessing data at Residential Tenancies Authority.
  • Accessing tenancy databases or information services.
  • Managing client and business relationships.
  • Marketing various products and services to you.

To achieve the purposes mentioned, we may reveal your personal details to the following persons/organizations:

  • If you’re a seller or lessee, your info may go to potential property buyers or lessees.
  • If you’re a buyer or lessee, we may disclose your data to the sellers of your property.
  • Your legal advisor(s) and the other party’s legal advisor(s).
  • Your financial advisor or financial institution.
  • Insurance providers and brokers.
  • Utility service providers and connection services.
  • Contractors handling your service, including real estate agents.
  • Tradespeople repairing your property.
  • Organizations maintaining our business systems and infrastructure.
  • Buyers of part or all of our business.
  • Financial entities, merchants, and payment organizations.
  • Titles Registry Office or government agencies.
  • Residential Tenancies Authority.
  • Tenancy information services or databases.
  • Real estate peak bodies.
  • Real estate websites.
  • Police.

We commit to utilizing and revealing personal data solely for its original intended purpose or a directly associated function or activity.

We will not share your personal details with government bodies, private sector entities, or third parties unless:

  • You’ve provided consent.
  • The transmission of such information is customary or expected, or you’ve been informed accordingly.
  • It’s mandated or permitted by law.
  • It’s essential for law enforcement purposes by an authorized body (e.g., police, ASIC, Immigration Department).

All Properties Group may share personal information with its affiliated companies and will take appropriate measures to maintain strict confidentiality of such data.

While providing services, we might input your personal data into form software and real estate websites, potentially subjecting it to third-party rights.

Third-party collection and use of personal information may adhere to distinct privacy policies or foreign jurisdiction laws.

For operational needs, All Properties Group may transfer your personal data overseas, ensuring the recipient complies with Australian Privacy Principles

We engage third-party suppliers for various services; any personal data shared with them will be handled per privacy requirements and confidentiality agreements.

On rare occasions, government identifiers may be collected, used, or disclosed only when mandated by law or obligations to an authority.


All Properties Group might utilize or reveal your personal details to inform you about potential products and services of interest. Feel free to reach out if you prefer not to receive our marketing communications anymore (refer to the Contact Us section).


All Properties Group aims to maintain accuracy, completeness, and currency of collected, used, or disclosed personal information. If details seem inaccurate, contact us.


Your personal data might be kept in hard copies or digitally. All Properties Group prioritizes keeping it secure by:

  • Having staff and contractors sign confidentiality agreements.
  • Securing hard copy documents (e.g., using locked filing cabinets).
  • Employing access security measures for our computer systems.
  • Providing a discreet environment for private discussions.
  • Implementing access control in our buildings.
  • Applying security measures to our websites (refer to the “Your Privacy on the Internet” section for details).
  • Regularly reviewing and updating our security protocols.

Moreover, we periodically review personal and sensitive data in our possession, ensuring information no longer necessary is either destroyed or de-identified.


All Properties Group prioritizes safeguarding the information you submit through our website. Our site employs electronic security systems, such as firewalls.

Clicking on links we’ve shared may lead you to external websites. These sites do not adhere to our privacy standards, policies, or procedures. To learn about their privacy standards, policies, and procedures, kindly contact or review those websites directly.


You may ask All Properties Group for access to your personal information (see the Contact Us section). We’ll acknowledge your request within ten business days. Access is usually granted within twenty business days after acknowledgment. If the request is complex or involves voluminous material, it might take up to twenty-four business days. We’ll inform you of the timeframe applicable to your request and any anticipated delays.

Identity verification is required before granting access to your personal information. While we don’t charge an application fee, reasonable fees may apply for accessing your information, covering our retrieval and reproduction costs.

Once processed, we’ll provide the information by mail, email, or at an agreed location. We’ll make it available in your preferred format whenever feasible. If the request is to correct inaccurate or outdated information, contact us.

Under the Act, access might be denied if it poses a serious threat, infringes others’ privacy, is required by law, or affects legal proceedings. Access denial reasons and complaint avenues will be provided in writing if necessary.


You may contact us by mail, email or telephone as follows:


If you believe there’s a breach of the Australian Privacy Principles, contact All Properties Group (refer to Contact Us section).

We’ll acknowledge your complaint within 2 business days.

Our investigation aims to resolve complaints within 20 business days. If more time’s needed, we’ll notify you promptly.

If you’re unsatisfied with our handling of the complaint, contact the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner with the details provided below.

Officer of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC)


This policy undergoes review:

  • At least once a year.
  • After an information security incident.
  • After major system alterations.
  • After updates in State and Commonwealth legislation.

Reviews assess policy relevance concerning corporate, system, and compliance changes since the previous review.

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