
15 Edward Street, MARBURG QLD, 4346

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Some where to keep the horse Marburg,Home of Country Harness Racing.

If you have a horse and are training it at the Marburg track or are just a member of the Marburg Pacing Club, then this is a block you should not pass by.

Currently zoned SR02 Stables Residential Investigation, the block is on a gazetted road.

Some where for your horse or could be used as a spelling paddock this has to be one of the best buys around.

Features for 15 Edward Street, Marburg:
Once street away from the track (approx 152m)
Walk to town (approx 556m)
Power at the corner of the street
Town water at the corner of the street
Ipswich City Council
Can be used for horses (spelling paddock)

Marburg Info:

Settled in the mid 19th century by farmers of German extraction, Marburg’s German heritage is celebrated annually with the local hotel’s rousing Oktoberfest. Marburg’s annual show, held on the first weekend in May, is another highlight on the town’s calendar.

The Saturday night dance at the showgrounds, established over 50 years ago, is a particularly lively event.

The Marburg Hotel
Dan and Matt Bowden host the favourite drinking hotel and meeting place of all Marburg trainers and drivers. An historic hotel with quaint accommodation.
Award-winning cuisine at country prices.

Stately, Woodlands, built in 1890, overlooks Marburg and now serves as a conference, accommodation and wedding venue and restaurant.


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