
37 Aspen Street, HEATHWOOD QLD, 4110

$525 per week


Here is a house with so much room,
Come and have a look, it will be gone soon.
A family will love it, on the high side of the street,
A friendly area, the neighbours you will meet.
The ducted air conditioning makes it comfortable for you,
In summer or winter 24oC will keep the cost good too.
The large bedrooms will have the kids with lots of space,
Bring them along to the open home, it can be a race.
The large 650 sqm block has left plenty of time –
So don’t put it off come see this great house,
You will love what you see, it really is grouse.

Large 650sqm block only built Jan’09
Master has large walk-in and ensuite
Bedrooms 2, 3 & 4 have built-ins
Bedroom 5/study
Daiken ducted air conditioning
Security screens to doors and windows
Kitchen has stainless steel appliances including dishwasher
Eat at kitchen bench
Open plan family room
Rumpus room
Formal lounge and dining
Carpet to bedrooms and formal areas
Tiles to all living areas
Rendered at front and bagged to rest
Under cover alfresco with ceiling fan
5000lt water tank
Remote control garage with internal access
Fully fenced
House size 281sqm Approx 30.28 sq
Hallmark – design is Catena
Tinted windows

If you would like to apply for this property online please go to our website, click the rent tab then application form.


Property Features

  • Air Conditioning


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